Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Week 2- First Portfolio

One aspect of creating your portfolio is displaying your work online. I've scanned a series of sketches of original characters that I have done recently.  My favorite medium is loose pencil sketches.
Cow Creature
Live Objects

Wise Owl

The following drawings are all of characters I have created for my idea for a superhero cartoon about a character known as "The Twister," shapeshifting sidekick to superhero "Corporal Courageous". Since these are character concepts, composition isn't much of a factor here.
The Twister 
Corporal Courageous 
Dr. Psychosis 
Grease Greaser

Sir Ambrose Nothing
I believe that out of these drawings, this one is the best of them. I created him, as I have the other works seen here. I feel most comfortable using this medium because it allows me to go back and correct a mistake, or I feel something would look better if I took it in another direction.

  This drawing is Sir Ambros Nothing; an unmistakable villain with his black tuxedo and mechanical mandibles for hands; as well as, noticeably, a question mark for a head.I drew Sir Ambrose as you see here so that he could be made out to be of an indeterminate nature.

  What you see first should  be his head- a floating question mark- beneath a glass dome on his shoulders, which reveals the surreal elements of his physical being. This is a stark contrast to his tuxedo, which suggests a dashing man-about-town,but  his metal claws remind us that he isn't quite human.

I have other sketches and ideas for other characters, allies and villains, to populate this cartoon that I may post at another time.

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